Updating With Satin Patchwork Technique To Make It Bustier

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Atina Khoiron Nisa
Rika Dwi Cahyati
Dasining Dasining
Rosita Selvina Putri Mu'imamah


Bustier is underwear that has a function, namely shaping the body to be more proportional. The manufacture of this bustier uses satin patchwork as the main ingredient in its manufacture. Satin fabric is a type of fabric material that is made through a weaving process using the weave technique or filament fiber technique. Patchwork is a craft that combines pieces of patchwork and has different motifs or colors and then becomes a new shape. The manufacture of bustiers that begins with determining the patchwork motif to be used in bustiers, fabric cutting, sewing, during installation, zipper installation, balen, and finishing can produce a bustier that is unique and different from most bustiers in general. In this study, it was stated that the use of patchwork satin fabric can be used in making bustiers.

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How to Cite
Nisa, A. K., Cahyati, R. D., Dasining, D., & Mu’imamah, R. S. P. (2024). Updating With Satin Patchwork Technique To Make It Bustier. Jurnal Tekstil: Jurnal Keilmuan Dan Aplikasi Bidang Tekstil Dan Manajemen Industri, 7(2), 148–153. https://doi.org/10.59432/jute.v7i2.110


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